June 21, 2008

Amber Mae's Double Whammy from Jazz & Dixie and Snowball

I received our goody package from Jazz & Dixie and my winning prize from Snowball for winning the 'Guess Whose Shadow It Is' Contest. Hee!

Actually, both packages were mailed to ME but the mommy said it's good to share with mah other two sissies. Hmm, I had to think about it!

Oooo, I liked that squeaky tennis ball! Hmm, those Three Dog Bakery Peanut Butter Cookies smelled sooo good! We got to try the tasty cheese bites. Oh, we sooo loved it! The mommy even started stealing some. I think I saw her popping a few in her mouth. Hmmm...

The baked chicken with yam tasted oh sooo yummy too! Do I look like I'm smoking a cigar? Hehe!Snowball and J&D, we sooo love all of them! Thank you sooo much!!!!!!!

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