June 18, 2008

Asta's Pawfects from Peanut

TAH DAH!!!!! My gift fwom Peanut came!!!! Peanut got my name in the goody exchange, and boy am I lucky!!!

Hewe I am checking out my package. Isn't this the coolest giwlie slippew..I love the pink and gween togethew..it's so spwingy and bootiful..we couldn't get an in-focus pictoowe of my diamond chawm..but believe me it's pawfect. I stawted to investigate it immediately.Aftew a lot of begging, Mommi welented and gave me anothew one of the balls...I love it!!!

Well at least you can get the idea of how much I'm loving all these wondewful giftses! THANK YOU SO VEWY MUCH PEANUT!!!!!! EVEWYTHING IS PAWFECT.

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